hi di just poping on for a we read but i thought i would j8st comment on this OCD a really hard disorder to contend with, i don't know the movie that triggered an incrise for you but thats a good way to start. Finding the triggers (external or internal) that worsen the compulsion for you.

meds affect sexule desiree and expression so easily common meds like anti depresents and blood presure tablets etc.

the TV doc might have been talking about couples who dont have sex leaving one frustrated and feeling unloved. Might not necassarily be talking about your situasion but that a lack of intimacy genrilly leands to bad sighns in marrage.

Some people dont know how to get or be intimate exept for sexule. They don't credit emotional or mental intimacie to promote well being withn and between couples. Sex being the only expresion of love or affection, then thats all they have. if you have diffrent expresions of love and affection and both of you are having emotional needs meet in othrways then whats wrong with that? How many couples do you know that have an absolutly horrendise relashionship, fight arguee are abusive to each other genuinly abusive but they have sex thats good therfore think they have a good relashionship....with no meeting of needs emotions or hart.

i think it takes more than just sex for a relashionship to be good, loving and intimate.
I wouldn't be too down on yourself to the point that some TV doc deems you not to have a marrige due to no sex.
If its distressing you or your partner then thats a diffrent matter...
OCD, you probebly have but have you tried behavioural theripies, 12 steap programs....Sometimes meds are needed for flaire-ups or acute times but at other times programe or theripie may be enough...

anyway good luck working it out for yourself, and hopefully you aint pulled about by public presure or oppinion...
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn