Thank you Hannelore. I am living a love story...honestly. I'm having the best time in my life.
What's weird Hannelore, is when my body was great looking I was always finding fault because I never thought it looked good enough...boobs too know what we women put outselves through. But, when I married Larry I was at the age where all the youth was gone from my bod and he has always told me that he's realistic about a woman my age. Then he follows that with...look at him...he has a pot belly, he has wrinkles, etc. He accepts my age and what comes with that way it allows me to be and feel sexy because he reacts (honestly) as if I had a body of a 20 year old. He doesn't see my flaws, he sees all of me and grins and can't wait to be with me. THAT is sexy and THAT is why I can stand there at this age, in this state of body and not feel self-conscious. I don't know how I got so lucky to find him but I cherish and love him so much. We truly are soul-mates. I know someone might read my posts and think no one can have this kind of marriage. I didn't think this kind of relationship was possible either, but here I am in the most loving, respectful place of my life. I firmly believe God saved Larry for last. I appreciate him and he apprecates me. It shows in how we treat each other. Thanks, Hannalore for noticing that I am in a love story. You really made my heart beam with pride.

Chatty...yes, I have a true love with my Larry.
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards