Chatty, thanks for saying what you did about why we must be vigilant. Don't get me started. Ok, I'm triggered. What's the difference? In the 1960s my father put my sister, who was an infant with Down syndrome, on the porch in her stroller naked so she could freeze to death. My step mother and I found her just in time to save her, that time. But he ripped the phone off the wall so we could not call the hospital. We did go in her VW, me holding the baby, my step mother driving. While getting the keys and the coats, My step mother was shouting "murderer, murderer, murderer" to my father. My brother, who was about 4, started shouting, "murderer, murderer, murderer" to his own father, even though he did not know what a murderer was. Cold porch, microwave, the insanity is the same. I was 14 and knew I would not bring another child into that family. Now why did this thread become about me? Because as hard as it is to hear, evil people do evil things to the most vulnerable and innocent, and if we don't know, we can't change society. Abuse is the same, methods are different, and I fear not much has changed in the world of evil. I guess I should not have read this, knowing what I know