I have been married for 25 years this December 22nd. My husband is divorcing me as it seems he has traded me in for a younger model. I moved here to buy our retirement house and help my single daughter with her baby while my husband completed his contract. Seems this has been going on for quite some time. I think I must be the most stupid woman on earth.

But....that isn't the problem because they are two peas in a pod marching to the same immoral tune (she left her husband, too!). I am so, so alone. I am having such a hard time coping with all this. I have always been so strong and now I can't function. My self defense mechanism has disappeared. I just need some nice, friendly people my age to just talk me through this. It helps to here how others coped or just some plane old advice! By the way, Bah (my user name) is what my granddaughter calls me!