That was my point. I agree wholeheartedly with Hannelore about just having fun. Thats great so long as one doesn't cross the line or their elective other isn't hurt by what they are doing. I finally asked a woman straight out what her problem was with me since I'm single and she said, "honestly?" I said, "let her rip." Never guess what she said, "you smile and laugh too much. You're carefree attitude is unnerving." Well upon further consideration she had to admit she'd never seen me flirt or do anything that could be deemed inappropriate. I listened to her comment however and have toned it down a good deal, and it seems to have worked, plus me telling several frisky husbands, my boyfriend is a cop, 250 pounds of solid muscle and is a 6'ft.4'in. sharpshooter.. ..Case closed, !

Edited by chatty lady (11/28/06 06:57 PM)
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