Sad to say but some people who get in this kind of fix come back better than ever due to their publicist work. Didn't OJ get a book company's eye? And royalty mega bucks?

I'm like everyone else in thinking how could he NOT be a racist? The only answer I can come up with is that they attacked his professional pride, his act on stage, which I understand wasn't going well, so he was probably wanting to strike out at them. He knew what would hurt. The N word. It is never acceptable and no, I'm not saying his action was validated. On the contrary. I'm just trying to understand the WHY.

Should he be forgiven? Did Christ forgive?

Should he be in the entertainment biz? If it were me and I had done this, I'd be checking in the want ads. I don't know that I could have forgiven myself.

I DO NOT believe that Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson will help to heal this riff.