Well other than Seinfelds show, Richards has no other experience as an actor and certainly not as a stand up comedian. On a controlled TV sound stage every one admired him because he was funny. Scriped funny, but he pulled it off well. But as a stand up comedian, which is some of the hardest comedy to do, he stank and these rather anebriated gentlemen told him so. He was I believe feeling frustrated trying to carry his show and he knew he was failing and he freaked out and took it out on these two men....Paul Rodriquez a veteran stand up comedic super star said, he didn't even flinch at these mens comments and didn't think it was heckling. The entire incident was unfortunate and now instead of Richards being remembered for the years of entertainment and hysterical laughter he gave us on Seinfeld, he will probably end his career in disgrace. So sad....what a waste.

Edited by chatty lady (11/22/06 09:33 AM)
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