My 4 yr. old grandaughter is SO beautiful! She is 1/2 Cuban and 1/2 Irish...what a combo, right? Her hair has never been cut and hangs in long banana curls. She has a charming toothy grin and expressive eyes that sparkle and glimmer with light. She has dimples like Shirley Temple and sings and dances...She is a pure delight.
My grandson who also lives with me is six and so funny. He talks fast and uses goo on the front of his hair so it will stick up...wears his jeans and shirt too big, which I understand is in style and is as he puts it, "The math king" at his school.
I enrolled him in Cub Scouts and make sure he keeps up with his reading. I've set it up with his sister's preschool to have him read to her classmates in the evening.
What a deep pleasure to know that you had something to do with these exquisite creatures in your life. Isn't it a joy?
Aarikja Ann