I am afraid that to me being alone is a frame of mind and a conscious choice. One two separate occassions I lost a loved one before the holidays and was devastated. I am single now many yewars, and pretty much alone. Yes I have a son and family but my relatives are thousands of miles away and my son is dealing with my DIL whose mother is dying from cancer in Utah so they are spending holidays with her, and rightfully so...But will I be alone, sure if I decide to be but I don't; so first I'm off to the animal shelter with lots of hugs and snuggling and turkey flavored snacks made right here in town at the doggie bakery. Then later on I will be at the mission serving those less fortunate than myself. Just seeing the childrens faces eating until their full, warms my heart in a special way. I bought a case of coloring books, for all ages, and case of boxes of crayons to be passed out to the kids as well....I'll headfor home once I've stopped off at church for a prayer or two and then have a nice meal. Usually I would have three or four residents of the Nursing Home here for turkey dinner but the new Administrator has changed all the policys there so that isn't possible anymore...After all these years single, to me alone is a mere state of mind.
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