Write her, NOT email though, and speak to her as you would to someone who means the world to you as I'm sure she does. Say nothing negative, tell her how important she is to you and that you love this man, use his name, and say that you want him to meet the woman you admire (her) and you so want her to meet the man who makes you happy etc. Don't give her any excuses what-so-ever. Then sit back and wait, the ball will be in her court. If a week goes by with no answer you may want to call her and just ask if she would like to take the next step. Maybe lunch with all of you. Remember though its hard for someone 80 years old to just change horses in mid stream and break old habits. Give her time to adjust but not at the expense of your new love. Keeping my fingers crossed. Oh and be upfront with him about whats going on, he should know and hopefully understand.

Edited by chatty lady (12/18/06 02:34 PM)
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