This kind of fits in here. I had a rather bizarre thing happen while Christmas shopping at the mall today. First, I did a lot of shopping and encountered smiles and pleasant customer service everywhere I went, which made the day much easier to get through. Secondly, I went into the office supply store to buy some printer cartridges (they're on someone's Christmas list), and decided to go with the compatible store brand. When I got to the cashier, I was informed that because I bought two store brand cartridges, I would get a free Lexmark printer. Now is that bizarre or what??! I couldn't believe it, and started laughing. I wouldn't be so surprised at getting a free cartridge if I bought a printer, but getting a free printer because I bought two cartridges? LOL. Anyway, I asked him "what's WRONG with the printer to make you give them away like this?" His face reddened a bit and he said, "oh they're great little printers - refurbished, but they work!"

So hubby was delighted, until I told him we couldn't give a "refurbished" printer away as a Christmas gift - we can still give it away, just not as a gift!
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)