I was in a big department store the other night and, naming no names but it rhymes with CHEERS, was looking around the appliance area, along with several other shoppers. Nary a salesperson in sight. When I had made my decision, I couldn't find a boxed-up version of the item in view and had to hunt down a salesperson. There they were, four of them, chatting to each other off in a corner (and NOT about business, either, just social chitchat). I finally pried one loose to handle the sale.

What really blew my mind is that these were NOT teenagers, but four middle-aged adults. I know these people work on commission. Here it was, Christmas-shopping time when more sales are made for small appliances than any other time of the year, and they were completely unaware of their customers. I don't get it.
My website http://www.carolynagosta.com