Okay, my turn to vent. I have a client in town that has a cute little shop. I built her website and taught her how to run her online store. She now manages it all herself and is doing just fine.

While we were building her site and working through the learning curves, I allowed her to pay very low monthly payments. (I also gave her a discounted rate) And then last year when she owed me the final $800, I allowed her to pay me half of it in $400 in merchandise from her store. (That would have saved her about $200)

So last night I bought a sweater from her, along with some other goodies. Today I decided I didn't like the sweater - there was a scratchy interior place from the embroidery on it. When I went to return it, she wouldn't allow a refund - only a store credit. (and I had bought everything I wanted last night when I bought the sweater)

She said she's too small and can't afford to take returns. There were no ifs, ands or buts about it - she wasn't budging. All I could think about as I steamed out of there were all the months I carried her payments while I worked on her website.

I didn't argue today, but I WILL go back and talk to her this week. I think that's incredibly rude to ask one business to be flexible but not be flexible yourself. If I go back and she still doesn't give me the refund, I'm afraid I won't shop there at all anymore. And if she needs additional website help, it will be at my increased rates that start in January.

Am I too harsh? Sure doesn't seem so now. Such a simple thing - refund $40 on a sweater. But nope, no can do.