Good afternoon Bluebird... i think you really hit a key point with the word 'protection'.. seems to me all laws are given in order to protect .. either oneself or others from oneself. ..

Thanks for the compliment Ladybug.. but rest assured i'm no where near wise, it's just that if something doesn't make sense to me, i can not try to put it into practice.. I am right handed, so to me the last half of the 10 commandments i relate to with my right
hand....... that's the hand i use for good or monkey business, that's the hand that effects my relationship with others........ my left hand
is the one that stablizes, or supports whatever i'm doing...... so my left hand (for me) represents the first part of the commandments, as it is the over arching power of Goodness, which sustains and supports all life..... (probably that doesn't make much sense but..maybe by stretching your imagination you can see what i mean ..)
have a good evening Ladybug and Bluebird. .

No, that doesn't make sense does it? Better to put it this way maybe.... i pour whatever into the cup with my right hand, but it is the left which holds the cup.........(?)

<small>[ December 10, 2005, 06:22 PM: Message edited by: norma ]</small>