We don't have a cafeteria plan, MustangGal in my company. thanks for your input. I'm really interested in what everyone has to say. It's interested to hear from others.

Saundra, I'm not looking into Fl, my frieds are. They own a place there and are thinking of going from snowbirds to living there or living there most of the year. I have a Blue Cross plan, HMO. I have been paying around $117/month on an individual plan, just health not dental. It included meds, but with co-pays for meds and doctor visits. It is going up to about $138/month now. But, now I need to do the family plan since I have to add my husband on. The family plan is $125/wk. which amounts to $6,500/ yr. If I retire at 62 and he has Medicare A and whatever it takes, I will have to pay a lot for myself for 3 years. I sure can't afford to retire right now. I want to keep working for at least 2 and half years and then re-evaluate and in the meantime sock as much into my 401k as possible.

Thanks for your input, Saundra.
