Since my company "retired" me, I didn't have much choice after 25 years. But I can honestly say that one becomes very creative when one has to...

Hobbies are great things to generate extra income, but if money isn't a DAY TO DAY issue, but may take away from some luxuries, then I might suggest figuring up what you think you would "miss out on" if you retired and figure what that cost would be... then find something in your life you do "now" that you could forego in order to set that moola aside for the luxury. It is workable...

Another thing I might add is that I have found (and this isn't necessarily true for everyone) that the things I thought I would "miss," I haven't. My lifestyle hasn't changed much except I am busier than I've ever been in my life!

If you think you can't make extra money, think again. There are TONS of ways! I don't know about Germany, but here in the States, we can save up papers and junk mail, and sell it back to the recycle centers. If you have enough, you can make as much as $300.00 a weekend. Just one example. I have done this, but I know someone who has. As a matter of fact, he made it into a "side" business after it took on a life of it's own. He now goes around his neighborhood, and other ones, and collects their newspapers and other junk mail, and then takes it to the recycle center and sells it. The people who had the papers are grateful for his FREE pickup service, and he is grateful for the FREE papers.

Make a list of what you do now
Make a list of what you think you would miss

You might be surprised!