That's the key Samantha, and I couldn't agree more. Those people are here today, gone tomorrow. I would love to ask them, "Do you REALLY think you are impressing me?"

I am slammed constantly with people who send these emailing campaigns out and they are sent straight the trash bin. Somebody, somewhere, at some given conference or teleconference, or SOME book they read, told these people that if you can badger consumers to death, you'll eventually wear them down and they'll bite. Not only that, I've gotten email book promo's from people I don't even know. These bandits have been told that it's perfectly legal and morally "okay" to harvest email addresses and send out promo's to thousands of people. Hello? Since when? It's called SPAM! To me these people are the lowest of the low.

There are good, legimate ways to sell your work and the only people getting wealthy by these other means are the ones who sold YOU the junk telling you to do it that way.

I have NO respect for the author who uses these kinds of tricks, and I wouldn't buy their product(s) if they were free.

You can always tell the person who has been talked into one of these methods by the "buzz words" they use. They are all the same. ACT TODAY! #1 Best Seller on Amazon --- Don't Loose Out! Unbelievable BONUS --- Tailored just for you! The book that can change your life! Backed by _____! (You fill in the blank) --- and on and on ad nauseam

Strong message to follow.