So sorry that it took me awhile to get back here. Just when I
was starting to come here every day again we had that earthquake
on Sunday October 15! Over the next few days there were over
100 aftershocks, each further weakening structures on the Big Island
of Hawaii that were alreay damaged from the 2 big quakes on the 15th.

Just about all the damage was on that island. Here on Oahu we did
feel ALOT of shaking and it was so scary when it just would not stop
after a few seconds. Then 7 minutes later another big quake. Yikes!!

We are okay tho and a few things fell off shelves, but that's about it.
Not so good on the Big Island where the damages total over 100 million
bucks so far. Damaged homes, roads, reservoirs, homes condemned.

Anyway, I am glad to be back on board and will try to catch up with
everyone over the next few days.
