I don't remember it bothering me. The girls bathed first, so we were using the cleaner water. Let's say it was unique... lol. We loved going to that grandmother's house, because she didn't make us do shores, which were DEMANDED at home.
At home, we had 4 restrooms (with indoor plumbing, of course), so going to the country to stay with our grandparents was somewhat of an adventure. I remember she'd let us play in her bras and our panties out under the tree near the sandpit, not far from the road coming through the woods to her house. We thought we were hot stuff.
Past the one-holer and further down the path was a fishing pond. We'd take some bacon and our poles to the pond and fish as long as we wanted.
I killed my first and only snake with a BB gun on the dirt road going around the bend from their house. I shot him right between the eyes. My brother was wide eyed and in total disbelief over my marksmanship.
That was before TVs were common and we had days to feel with real play!