It's a scam. Never give your credit card number to someone calling you on the phone. Just because they are on the Internet doesn't mean a thing. There are lots of scams on the net. If it sounds to good to be true - IT IS.

On my first anniversary (first marriage - in 1969) I got a call from someone saying I had "won" a free trip to FL. I was so excited. When my husband came home they called back and said they needed to come talk to us about it. Long story short - they came and sold us $500 worth of encyclopedias! We would have had to pay our own way to FL. It was only the hotel. We had to go certain dates and wouldn't have had the money then anyway. Never got the trip. Took us forever to pay for those stupid books. We kept them hidden in the back hall so our parents wouldn't find out how stupid and gullible we were.

Never sign your name to anything at a trade show or county fair. They tell you your name is going in a drawing , yada yada....Then they try to sell you windows or siding for your house. I learned the hard way.
