I am so sorry to hear you are in pain. It breaks my heart because I know how living in constant pain affects you, not only physically, but emotionally. Maybe you remember my posts when I had the surgery on my ankle.
I wish I could suggest something that will offer immediate releif, but I can't. For me, asprin combined with tylenol and codeine along with prayer seemed to help most. The asprin helped the inflammation and the tylenol and the codeiene helped the perception of the pain.
But the truth is, I think being distracted was the best help of all. The times when Dan loaded me and the wheelchair in the car and pushed me around the local gift shop was almost my only painfree time.
I have been in pain from dozens of broken bones for about 20 yrs. and I survived it only by taking asprin, smiling, and keeping very busy.
I don't handle it as well now perhaps because I am not as busy and thus not as easily distracted. Or maybe it gets more difficult with age.
I know how painful this must be. I was in that cast for five months and in pain every day. Be careful of your back. The cast threw mine out which certainly didn't help.
I finally found relief in a complimentary medicine doctor (An M.D. who also practices alternative medicaine). He helped me tremendously with low light laser treatments and accupuncture. Maybe there is someone like that where you are. I feel sure the treatments speeded my healing. Have you mentioned the pain to your doctor. Maybe he has a solution.

The only help I can offer is prayer and you certainly have that. This breaks my heart.

I hope you can just sink into the love of us boomers and your friends and family and feel better.