I just mentioned newleaf in another post. That is so weird. Welcome back. It's so good to hear your voice again.

As far as this question goes...one ting I always try to remember is that we are to outdo (is that a word?) one another with kindness. I try very hard to remember this while in relationship with my husband. We truly enjoy making one another happy. By the grace of God, lots of communicating and time spent together, alone, with family and friends, we have figured out what one another enjoys. This is so important, especially now that it is only the two of us.

I believe our faith has lots to do with it.

We have some friends who think we are so lucky because we get along so well. I don't think it's luck. It's hard work, living our faith, and putting the other first that works for us. Like I tell my kids, you can't be married and be selfish. It just doesn't work.

The marriages I know of that have failed, unfortuantely have done so because one of the partners was selfish. The same is true of couples who are together and unhappy.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.