Hi, Dotsie: Yes, my Mom had a devotion to Our Lady and the Rosary. The devotion is very close to our hearts, especially mine as by some wonderful coincidence, birthdays of my children, grandchildren and mine all fall on major feasts of Our Lady.

Hi, Louisa: Pandemonium is the order of the day when my daughter and her family come to stay with me for a weekend once a month. It is a welcome break from what can sometimes be a deafening silence as a result of living on my own. Chatter and noise are the norms in my family, as I presume it would be the case in many, and the silence is a stark reminder of the empty nest. I ward it off by having the TV switched on to rolling news for the background chatter and music when I am home. Yes, time has flown rather too quickly but quite amazed by all that comes with changes. It can be a battle sometimes but I am managing rather well, I reckon.

Edited by Lola (09/17/06 04:13 AM)