Funny you should ask..because I DID make a conscious choice today to be happy..spread my happiness..and to be tired in a calming sort of way..not one that bogs down others=my colleagues or the children. And it worked..the response I got from the group of children was lots of fun..they "read" story books to me..making up the plot along the way. How wonderful to be "read to" as a teacher!!! It´s a luxury! The meeting we had in the colleagues and I, went very well, too. Everyone is tired now before Christmas what with all the preperations and festivities both at work and at home..but we had a good meeting..AND I listened to my colleagues..and could feel the warmth spreading in the room. Sooo..yes,

I love my life because I can make a choice..and it can really work for me and those around me.

I also love my life because it´s the first week of advent which means everyone has decorated their homes with Christmas lights..turning our Scandinavian darkness into something very magical and special.

"some sacred place.."