What helps me is to treat my kids with the same respect I would treat an adult. Our kids are "on loan" to us, they are souls created by God, within a human body that parents create, hopefully, out of love. It also helps to know that He loves them with a greater love than we can ever know.
I know I fall short as a parent each and every day, but my kids know that I love them, am also merely a human and that I did sacrifice much to bring them into the world. I have also told them that there is a God in heaven who loves them infinitely and perfectly and that no one can take His place here on earth. I think we need to communicate to them that nothing here will ever be perfect and no person will ever be either. So when they are disappointed or hurt, they can handle it better.

Edited by Bluebird (09/07/06 09:50 AM)

In My Father's house are many mansions...John 14:2
