I worked with a woman exactly like her except smoking was her bad habit. Her's was being late, socializing while everyone else did HER work, then snoping through everyone's desk when she thought they were gone. Including the boss. She sabatoged my computer files one time and when that happened (she was savvy enough to know we could see who logged on to this particular program) I exploded. The program was one I was working on for THE BIG BOSS so I knew she had done it then.

I went straight to the top. Everyone else had tiptoed around her for 30+ years. I busted into his office, told him what had happened along with a multitude of sins she had done in the past, all documented, and said, "either she goes or I go." She was called in, read the riot act, put on record, and never bothered ME again. She never came near me again. But she continued the same course with the other co-workers, because they took it.

She eventually retired and then tried to come back and a part-time employee but they wouldn't have her. Once she was out the door, the door slammed. They later told me they were afraid of her suing them for age discrimination so they let her slide for the last few years. At everyone else's expense, if you ask me.

I don't know what to tell you, but nothing will change unless she steps on the wrong toes. THEN....all He-double hockey sticks will fly.