Oh dear, crafty one, it sounds like your daughter stands under her husband's and in law's influence. Believe me dear, there is no winning this battle; no way at all.

My oldest son had a girlfriend whose influence on him was mesmerizing. The more I talked to him about it, the more he turned away from me and to her. It took a long time, but after six years I gave up. Now 10 years later, he's still with her, and they want to marry. She keeps postponing the marriage date (this is a part of her sick little brain). And I'm beginning to see puffy doubt clouds forming around my son's head. Maybe everything will take care of itself. But one way or another, I've learned; stay out of it; -- it's his life.

If you can, go on a vacation with your husband. Just get away from all wedding stress. Make a point of not talking about it anymore, and find your own lives again.