Hi Cathy,

I agree with the ladies. When you go to the dress fitting, try to keep it light and fun if you can. I know she's hurt you but try not to show your negative feelings about her fiance'. My daughter was in a relationship with a guy for four years and they fought constantly and belittled each other. This guy really knew how to push her buttons. I couldn't stand hearing it. I worried that if they ever got married it would end up in domestic violence and I'm talking both abusing the other! But, whenever I tried talking to her about it, she would get defensive and angry. So, finally I decided that she wasn't going to listen to me so I kept quiet, although, when they starting fighting at our house, I'd tell them to leave. Finally, she came home one day and said she'd broken up with him because of the very reasons I had talked to her about. I never said - I told you so - I just breathed a sigh of relief.

Hopefully, your daughter will come to her senses on her own.

Hope this helps.