This is not the middle ages where the bride had to have a dowry. I believe from his actions which showed his true colors, your poor daughter is in for a rath of s--t from this money hungry, mammas boy once married. He is lucky he wasn't sitting opposite me because in no uncertain terms I would have told him that we would do/give what we were able and that if it did not meet with his specifications then we would give zip, nada, nothing, maybe he like that better? As far as our relatives tell him you would never think of asking or telling them an amount to give. You are happy they are coming and enjoying this special day with you...This rude, spoiled little creep has much to learn and pussy footing around him and this situation isn't the way. Stand your ground. Hopefully your daughter will understand and has grown up with more respect for her elders and her parents. Lets hope his attitude isn't what the future holds for you and your daughter!!

Edited by chatty lady (09/16/06 07:27 PM)
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