I know a girl who loved makeup and playing "dress up" and doing everybody's hair... she started out working in a salon shampooing hair. She is now one of the most sought after makeup artist in the biz. She lives in Atlanta and visiting her one weekend she said she had just return from a set in Calif. where Elton John as one of the people (among others) who they did the makeup and hair for... She started with a dream.

I know another woman who was in a similar situation as the one cited above. She now owns a biz called The Traveling Tea Lady. She is in Colorado. She is doing a tremendous business, and has just become an "empty-nester" so she has more time than ever to devote to the business. She also has the personality for it. She throws parties for shut-in's, groups of baby boomer women, invalids, girls just wanting an excuse to get together, birthday parties, children's parties, whatever. It is a great business and it all started by her wanting something she loved....turns out it was her love of the teacup and saucers...isn't that cool? She started with a dream.

Chick, if you lived near me we would have a brick and brick building with a biz if you wanted to because I truly believe you could sell snow to the Eskimos...

I have had a great biz idea for over two years, but no backers. Ain't it the way? And it started with a dream.