Dianne, I love to sell. It is broad I know but I like meeting people who need a product, service etc. and accomodate them. In my lifetime, I have sold everything from junk to jingles. I can do/make anything...you name it and I will take a stab at it. I think that is my problem. I don't feel challenged any more. Been there done it all and need something more.
I need to have a bricks and mortar place to go to every day that houses a product/service. I am at a loss....
When I was younger and had more barriers than you could imagine, I didn't have the funding/backup. Now there is nothing to stop me, but I am stopped...dead stopped.
How can I live my passion....when I don't even know what it is????
Geez, I'll never know what I am supposed to be when I grow up.
Girlfriends, I need your help.
Oh yeah...I love to talk and talk and talk.

[ February 22, 2006, 01:15 PM: Message edited by: chickadee ]