Okay, I give up. Not sure I understand Thistle Farms solution to the problem, get a wife??? Of course I am no one to judge anyones choice of a partner, I had me a Unick for 5 years and went along with it too, until one day I got hit on the head and brought back into the conscience world. HE'S HISTORY!!! [Eek!]

I know how thin we are all stretched but I try to enjoy whatever I'm doing and sometimes integrate one job into another so neither is too demanding. [Wink]

Friends over for big dinners, I agree, everyone is assigned a dish to bring and after dessert is served, I hand out hand crocheted aprons with each woman's name on hers and they just put them on and off we go to clean the mess. Plus the apron is hers to keep...Works fine and they're happy to have a nice gift. If its a bar-b-que, the men clean and we ladies retire to the pool. [Razz]

My only real complaint about all the directions I feel myself being pulled is when I was 36, I;d say to myself, "Self, not a problem plenty of time for that later." However now that I am 63, I say "self, gotta get to it, never know how much time is left." I am not growing old gracefully. [Mad]