Welcome, Janis. I found great joy with my mature students when I was teaching. They were much more responsible with their course and because they chose to pursue a law degree at the age that they did, they had greater depth and better grasp of the various aspects of their course, academic and otherwise, across the board, owing to various learning curves in their adult life. A few of them would utter that they had wished to have attended university much earlier in life. I have often told them that the attitude towards the work required would perhaps be different.

How often do you go for tutorials? I took my Masters in Criminal Justice 10 years ago through distance learning as well because work and home obligations made lecture halls and classroom-based seminars/tutorial attendance impossible. The alternative was DI which allowed me to pursue it in my own pace and time. I am once again entering university halls as a student in September for a Mandarin course. At 50, I only hope I can pick up learning a foreign language as easily as I did when I was much younger...millions of moons ago! Good luck with your course.