Hi everyone,

I am doing well. I have my moments, believe me. The saddest part is feeling like I am losing the "life partner" that God gave me.

When all this first happened, I was grieving the thought of spending the rest of my life alone (and I've been thinking the next 20 years are going to be my best). I've realized that I don't HAVE to be alone - and there is a good chance that there is the "right guy" out there for me. I'm not in a hurry, BELIEVE me...but I'm hopeful.

I started my "on the job training" out at the airport...it has been wonderful.

The hard part is going from two weeks on my behind (classroom training) to 8 hours on my feet!

Thank you praying - God is good - HE is able - and HE is enough!


p.s. On my first day I met a woman named "DANITA"!!!! Now, I'm 40 years old and I have NEVER met someone with my name. How cool is that.
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