I, too, was widowed, after a long and very good marriage. So busy was I in my work as a professor and writer that I was able to compact my grief into a dull ache for a while. I taught my classes, even made jokes and laughed. Students told me later that they had no idea that I had suffered such a huge loss.
It was only after I took very early retirement that my world caved in. I had lost the most important person in my life - and I had given up the career that I loved. Then, two years after my husband had died, I fell to pieces.

I want you to know, though,impossible as it may seem now, life does go on.You will start again. Good friends and caring children help a lot and you will find new and absorbing interests and fascinations.

I wrote a book about those years after widowhood - and I should also add that I have since happily remarried - something I thought I would never do.

I know that you, too, will recover even though you will never forget. Nor should you.Blessings.

Monica Morris