Hi Patsy, what an interesting story; from a software trainer to a bus driver! You sound happy too.

I live in Germany, and we have a social medical system. It's fantastic. Everyone is insured, there is no thing as not being insured. That includes dentists, braces for kids, some cosmetic surgery, marriage counselling…it's all insured!

Why can a small country like Germany be able to afford this? It's so fantastic. I don't know why it doesn't catch on in the States. Hospitals clinics, even recuperation wellness spas are all paid for by the State insurance.

In my case, since I have my own company, I have to pay my own monthly insurance…but that starts at a certain income. Everything below that income, or if you are not self-employed is automatically taken care of.

I can recommend voting for a presidential candidate who supports social medicine, It's the only way.