You ladies are such an inspiration!! My husband is always stomping one foot then the other down and saying, "reality, 'honey', reality, its something you need to come into contact with and accept. You are old, nobody will ever want you or what you can do again. No one will be willing to invest money in you. Its just me and you. We have to think about us. Just live your life in peace until you die." As he says those words I can physically feel something inside recoil and die or shrink.

He's right, I am a dreamer and imaginative, I do live in a dream world. In my world there are no barriers to age, sex, accomplishment. People can be productive and resourceful and LIVE until their number comes up. I dream and imagine all the time. I have theories and ideas and inside I'm like a greenhouse full of growing plants from seedlings to fully blossoming bushes and fruited trees. I keep a notebook full of ideas and theories and research them and update them and when I'm helping others or contributing to making this a better world I'm happiest. I thrive on change and discovery. But, alas.....,he's right about one thing, I am getting older and I am a dreamer. Someday my 'seedlings' will dry up and my plants will die. I'll become a barren wasteland like him and die in reality.

Tomorrow I may not be here so why not live life to its fullest today??!! I've never felt older than I have since being with him.