Trying to remain nuetral is becoming increasingly difficult. My son kicked my granddaughter out of the house. Sure, she's made some mistakes but not anything a kid at that age doesn't do. It seems like he's set her up for failure. He called and I didn't mention anything but he has to know that I know and of course, I'm only hearing one side of the story. son has told me he treats her differently than his two younger sons. Like his father, I don't think he necessarily likes females. The things he says to her are the very things his father said to him. It's like reliving history.

So, she's staying with a couple who has a young child. But, the woman called yesterday and said they are moving to CO in three months and does she want to move with them? She's in a tailspin over this. So, I'm trying to help her weigh the pros and cons of it.

Any advice ladies?