I think you're right, Dotsie. I look at my age, at the wear and tear stress has taken from my looks and life, I consider my financial situation and the fact that he just told me today he would kill me if I tried to take any of his money from the sale of the house.

He came by and threw my grandaughter's toys across the house the other day and yelled that she leaves them everywhere while he, for his sanity, moved to a 3br, 2ba huge house by himself to "get away from the turmoil." We're fine when he's not around but the girls and I only have until the 8th of May to find a home and neither of us has the first, last and down for a new place. I'm going to talk to the lady who bought this house and see if we can rent it indefinitely from her.

My stomach hurts all the time and my systems are like raw meat. I can't sleep at night and I have a headache and facial pain a lot.

I feel trapped. He says he has never been able to tolerate turmoil and he tries to control everything. Now his daughter is here living with my daughter and gd and I as my daughter's driver and personal assistant. My daughter is paying her but she goes to her dad and complains about Katie and yells at my GD. I'm getting ready to jump in the middle of some very big S&&%%, if you know what I mean, and start taking back some control myself. I've already taken some steps, but there are a lot more to take.

I will NOT have my husband threaten my life for needing money or wanting some of the money WE made on the sale of this house.