Ditto to all the above.

How about legal aid? You need a lawyer and someone to support you.

Number5 - glad you are getting that individual banking account, but you need to get stronger. For yourself and your family. This man needs much more help than you are able to give him.....your mind is being clouded by something other than good sense right now , take a step back, take a deep breath, listen to these well-meaning women, and remember, if you are out in the ocean and a storm comes up, it is good that you pray for your safety, but while you are praying, you had better be rowing that boat!!!! This man is not concerned today about you or your family. Only himself. So row your own boat to safety.

You'll get plenty of support from here, but even better, to get brick and mortar help from legal advice and anything else you can get your hands on....

Wishing you the best of this situation,
