Number5...I'm not a real fan of your husband as you well know.
I want to tell you to go see a lawyer...but, I know you don't have the funds to do so.

So, my thoughts are this...your name was on the mortgage, because his credit wasn't good enough...he gives you 3 months free rent..while he pockets 35,000 free and!

If, your paycheck is going into that account your name is on it...your money is in there.
I'd start my own new account.

How much did he pay you for helping him move into his new apt? Did he compensate you for all the hard work, did he pay for your tolerating his useless self and keeping his home clean and cooking and cleaning? Did he support you in any or emotion? Is he paying you for shopping for his new home?
What right does he have saying you squandered your inheritance on your children?
I so dislike cheap, useless, thoughless, greedy... controlling men.

Any free legal advice in your area?
If, not...
Check into a new account, before he spends it all on drugs and alcohol.
Just my thoughts..

I'll pray that he turns into a caring human being.

[ February 15, 2006, 05:13 PM: Message edited by: yepthatsme2 ]