Don't get me wrong she had tough times too at fist when married but was surrounded by family and never alone or afraid because everyone lived in the same building for many years, her parents, sisters and their familys. Then when buying a home she was in a neighborhood where everyone knew each other, watched after each others kids, doors didn't need to be locked, thing like murder, serial killers, kidnappings didn't happen to you or the people you knew and didn't happen so frequently either. People respected their leaders and government and had high work ethics and standards. It was all just better in those many ways. She got divorced at the urging of us kids, after years of being the dutiful wife and mother. She remarried her true love and they had a wonderful, almost magical love affair. Working together daily, traveling, just spending every waking moment together and loving it. My step-father passed away after 20 years with mom and her life just seemed to stand still. Her parents were both dead, her sibblings were scattered about, she moved to an apartment and seems to just exist day after day. She works, comes home where she feeds and visits with my epileptic brother and although she has numerous friends and is so well loved and respected even today, I truly believe that when she buried my step-dad, her one true love and apparent soulmate, she buried a part of herself as well. Her heart!!!