My daughter is a loving, caring mother. Just because someone gets into trouble when they are 19 and the wheels of justice grind slowly and she is now 23, does not make her a poor parent. She bathes, dresses, works for, plays with, buys toys for, takes to the park, cooks and prepares meals for her daughter. She loves her with all her heart. My daughter has issues that need to be addressed, true, but would you take a child away from a cancer patient? What makes mental or emotional illness any different than physical illness?
I am a responsible, intelligent, caring grandparent and parent who is experiencing a tumultous time in my growth as an individual. But, I will make it and we will all be fine. This is what I get for allowing myself to be vulnerable to a community of women??!!
The foster care program in this state LOSES children and don't check to see if they are mistreated. The foster care program in this state enlists toothless, dirty people with dirty homes to care for children and you would propose to put my precious grandaughter in a strange environment with people who don't think her dancing like a princess is cute and laugh at her antics, who could care less that she has earned big girl panties now or that she love Dora the Explorer??!!
You can be sure that I will not be posting on this site again.