oh my god meredith...all i could do was sip at my coffee and stare at your words...i could've written them if i weren't such a ho' for rhyme -- something in my life has to have rhythm...

dotsie, i've been writing for blogcritics.org and i'll always write poetry, although i don't share that often...it's funny how no matter how much one practices, the 16 yr old lovelorn girl still manages to spring forth once in a while and pour out things like "a shadow cast by her weary heart lay helplessly on the ground"...eww...

alas, the older person takes the wheel and still doesn't drive much better...i blew the dust off this one while i was cleaning:

what i won't do

I buy your affection in increments so small
I buy what I can if you're selling at all
The price be my dignity, maybe my pride
A fortune I've paid for you by my side
The haggling continues and into the night
If I don't pay plenty you withhold the prize
"I have no money, can you spare a dime?"
I wait while you ponder the worth of your time
In sickness and health, I panhandle for love
For richer, for poorer, for want of one love