I think she has too much on her plate. She made the decision that if she stayed with her husband, who is very sweet and kind but not motivated in the least, that she would be poor for the rest of her life. This is why she returned to school...to get a degree so she could bring in more money. She grew tired of trying to buy groceries with a debit card that wouldn't go through.

I think the higher her grades get, the better she thinks she has to be. In other words, she's competing against herself. Plus, her husband is threatened by her going to school. Almost stalks her. Checks her cell phone for incoming messages and calls the number to see who it is, etc. He certainly isn't helping her stress levels any. Plus, he's one of these guys that wants to discuss things into the middle of the night when she's trying to sleep. In a way, I think he might be trying to get her to just quit school, which isn't going to happen.

She's also had stupid doctors that haven't run necessary tests to find out what the problem is and just hand her drugs. She finally found a good doctor. Poor thing. She's down to 112 lbs now.

Thanks for caring.