Mer, many of us have been cheated on. Sometimes we take them back, sometimes we kick them to the curb. A day will come when you reach "the point of no return." It will be when you decide that you have had enough and you're ready to do whatever is right for you. This is the time when no one on earth can convince you to stay.

In my case, I couldn't shake the fact that my husband had "bedded" another woman and I eventually had to move on.

Here it is 30 years later and I have one of the best relationships in the world. We say we are the happiest couple on earth.(top 5% easily).
There's room for you in that top 5%.

It is difficult to make changes in life, especially one as drastic as losing one's life partner, no matter what the circumstance, but
losing one's self is the most devastating of all.

Look at it this way...we only have a few more good years left, even if we live to be a hundred. What are you going to be doing for the next 20, 30 or 40 years?

My prayers are for you today. I pray that you find the courage to do what is right for you.
God Bless.
