But take heart at this. We ALL have messes. Naturally, our own situations seem worse than other people's and sometimes, they even seem hopeless. They're not!

To me that's the time when I step away from whatever it is that's bothering me and do something totally different. If it is work, I go take a walk and get outside. The fresh air and walk clears the cobwebs of anxiety that have built a nest in my old brain.

If its someONE who is disturbing my peace, I try to figure out why and if I can correct it. If it is something within my power to do, I move forward with it. If I cannot "fix" it or make it better, I leave it. Right there on the spot.

And the best solution of all is I come here to my sistahs....they love me for who I am, do not judge me, and encourage and guide me, gently.

And wise? Yes, you are wise. You gave yourself time to step away from all the post and digest everything that was offered. When I read that I said to myself, "Good for her! How smart is that?"

You gave your mind, soul, and your heart time to think about it all and chose what works for you, and what doesn't. I call that wise, ANY day!
