Searcher in this my last post tonight before I go eat something so my stomach doesn't think my throat has been cut, we are FRIENDS. Have you been reading all the other threads today? I have and we have been chatting very amicably in all those. I rarely ever allow mself anger and rarely feel any. Now this is for you as well Ari, I truly care about this Forum and pretty much all the women coming here. I try to make everyone feel welcome and I bring back posts so no women feels ignored or passed over. I have a high number of posts because I read these posts word for word then muddle them over in my mind before answering as helpfully as possible. Ari what you felt from me seemed harsh and for that I apologize but you seemed to need someone to put their arms around you and shake some sense into you that you were and are too good for someone like that guy. I am on your side. I unlike some others here NEVER call names or insult or degrade another woman. I am all for women, all the time. I was nearly destroyed by a man that I loved and trusted totally. Others knew about him and never told me for fear of hurting me, they were cowards and didn't want to be the preceived bad guys. I wish they had told me. Anyway I am sorry if my somewhat gruff truths are not what some want to hear even though they need to hear it. Ari talk about it taking a long time to heal from a broken yet short romance. I know of what you speak as I am still in mourning from the death of my husband of five years in the 1960's. He was my one true love....I guess time does not necessarily heal all wounds. I will be even more cautious with my replys to everyone hoping to be helpful, not hurtful....Thank you both for your honesty and may I ask one favor? When reading a post or the answer to a post, read it several times and read it well to be sure you get the true meaning of what is being said...

[ February 21, 2006, 12:29 AM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]