This is all very helpful and interesting. I particularly like Quitstar's characherization of a "job interview, and stressful making conversation." I've "been there, done that" more times than I care to recount, as well as actually becoming involved with a few of them.

Now, here's the latest episode: I am not searching on Internet Singles' sites, but in the past week, I met a man on Pogo, where I play Internet games. There is chat on there while games are going on. This man is in Maine; I'm in WV. He's divorced 5 years, very handsome, and has attended to the care of his ailing parents who have now recently passed away. He has been emailing me incessantly, is incredibly handsome and articulate. His plans are, now that his parents are deceased, to move to FL and a warmer climate. I have to admit, that a relationship with a retiree summering in Maine and wintering in Florida is appealing! At the same time, I am very reticent and even a bit annoyed at his constant contact with me. Why is that? Have I become a recluse? Shallow? Probably.