I was on e-harmony for 1 month. I only was in contact with one man and he wanted to be sure I would be willing to travel to remote, primitive areas for his hobby, which was something like model airplanes. My response was that my idea of roughing it is staying in a Paris hotel without air conditioning. He then stated that he and I were incompatible - no kidding Dick Tracy! What really got me was that before he had even met me, he was already finding out what I could do for HIM!

JJ I'm sorry to say these men get their ideas from women who are desperate to get married and think they can't live without a man. Well, it doesn't help that some men are narrow minded and not open to new ways of thinking.

I have a few friends who are happily married, but even they will say they don't think they'd get married again if anything happened to their husbands. Marriage does not guarantee happiness, it's all about making the best of the situation we are in.